Thursday, June 11, 2009

Steven's Pass

Today was tough. We started the 70 mile ride with a 4,000 foot climb over the Cascade Mountains through Steven's Pass. I practically sat for 2 hours going 6-7 miles an hour for 17 miles up a 7% grade. We don't have anything like that in Indiana. At the top (4061 feet) it was about 30 degrees with snow on the top of the road. I think it is the first time ever where I have felt like I have been in a tropical rainforest (west of the Cascades), in the snow (at the top), and in an arid valley (east of the Cascades) in a single day. Today's ride boasted by far some of the most beautiful senery that I have ever seen. We followed the Columbia River down the entire desent. The best part of the day was the downhill. Reaching a 40 mph max, we coasted for the last 50 miles of the ride.

Tonight we had a great friendship visit with about 60 members of the community. We had a great grill out and played softball and soccer with them. I met some very neat people and a couple special olympic medalists. Overall it was a very rewarding day. I climbed my bike over my first mountain and had the chance to interact with some great people at the friendship visit. About time to hit the air mattress... another good climb tomorrow.

This picture gives you an idea of the grade that we had to go up for 2 hours today... and yes... that is snow on the left side of the picture.

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